Keys to Inspire is motivated by the song of Calvary: “For God so loved the world . . . .” Thus began the greatest concerto known to man. God, the greatest Giver, offered the world the greatest Gift — His Son. Though discords of sin threatened to ruin this performance, the Conductor skillfully accompanied it with a quiet-yet-persistent countermelody.
At times this melody has played faintly, nearly imperceptible to the ear; at other times it has resonated with bold overtones. The song has been heard in the darkest moments of human history, as well as in its moments of greatest triumph. No-doubt you have heard the sound yourself. Never was it heard more loudly and clearly than at Calvary. There God’s Son, Jesus, died on a cross to pay for our sins. On the third day, He arose from the grave, conquering death with this song of victory.
What is this song? you ask. It is the song of Grace — God’s magnum opus. It is free; it is abundant; it is undeserved — and it is for you. This is Amazing Grace. This is “My Song of Praise.”
If you do not know where you will spend eternity, Keys to Inspire invites you to accept the free gift of eternal life God has offered to you. Salvation is not based on how well you rank on a scale of 1-10 as a musician or music enthusiast. It is not determined by your moral standing compared to your neighbor’s. It is not awarded on account of your philanthropy. Your eternal destiny rests solely on what you make of Jesus Christ.
The Bible says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Many believe Jesus was a good man. This is true. But He was much, much more. He is the Son of God. If Jesus made this claim and then died, His words and good reputation would have been sealed in the tomb with Him. God validated Jesus’ claim by resurrecting Him from the dead after His sacrificial death. Because He lives, you can also have hope for the life to come. All you have to do is trust in Him alone for the forgiveness of your sins.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) This is the message of God’s Grace: the song which motivates Keys to Inspire.
- K2I